The Benefits and Dangers of Digital Collaboration in Healthcare
August 30, 2019
One of the greatest barriers for healthcare success, from patient relationships to lab testing to second opinions, is simple geography. When you’re a patient, you’re limited to the doctors and facilities near you. For doctors, the distance of a lab, specialist, or pathologist limits both the speed…
How Hackable Are Modern Medical Devices?
August 27, 2019
Headlines all around the medical community are decrying connected medical devices and the inherent danger from hackers. But is there any truth to the concern? Should we be worried that nefarious keyboard cowboys are going to hack into our pacemakers and medical tablets and insulin pumps and cause…
The Use of Industrial Computers in the Automotive Industry
August 20, 2019
The automotive industry invented automation: it’s no surprise that they’ve embraced industrial computers faster than any other field of manufacturing. Because automotive manufacturing requires flexible solutions that can pivot with the adoption of new technology (both in the cars themselves and in…
How Better Scanners and 4k Monitors are Transforming Digital Pathology
August 2, 2019
Though the concept of digital pathology has been around almost 60 years, it’s only recently that we’ve developed the networks, image resolution, data storage, sharing techniques, and machine learning to truly transform the practice into one of the most important branches of healthcare technology.…
Is Industrial Cybersecurity Even Possible?
July 23, 2019
Industrial control systems have made life easier for automation and manufacturing, and are a vital component in both the present and future of the industry. Unfortunately, with every new technology or process comes complications, unique problems that were unforeseen or impossible-to-imagine in the…
Healthcare Needs to Communicate Better
July 18, 2019
Playwright George Bernard Shaw once famously said: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Anyone who’s ever worked in a hospital (or healthcare in general) can attest to just how sadly true that sentiment is. And while there are thousands of reasons…
Navigating FDA 60601-1 Compliance for Medical Devices
July 16, 2019
For years the US Food and Drug Administration has mandated that medical devices comply with 60601 standards for near-patient safety, and while that’s great for patients, it can be a difficult or frustrating road to navigate for medical device manufacturers. 60601-1 ratings are given to devices…
When Is it Time to Upgrade Industrial Legacy Machines?
July 11, 2019
The greatest problem with cutting-edge technology is that it only stays cutting edge for a short period of time. Since any factory, mine, construction, or industrial site is usually filled to the rafters with computers and machines, a question of upgrade becomes a huge financial concern. This…
4 New Advances in Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry
July 9, 2019
Artificial intelligence is, no surprise, an evolving field of research and programming that is constantly churning out new tools. The healthcare industry is, of course, a perfect use for many of these tools: healthcare is all about trying to find a way to sort through and understand a glut of…
Is the FCC Going to Help Fund Telehealth Adoption?
July 2, 2019
The latest news coming out of the healthcare cycle is that Brendan Carr, the FCC Commissioner, has announced a vote that could expand telehealth funding for millions of Americans with limited or no proper access to hospitals and doctors’ offices. This new plan, if passed, could have huge…
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