Understanding How Medical Computers Enhance EMR Capability

Technology in hospitals has advanced greatly towards automation and electronic document storage to improve the lives of patients and facilitate the jobs of medical professionals. As of 2015 96% of all non-federal acute care hospitals had adopted basic EMR software. Even in rural areas adoption was…

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4 Use Cases for Medical Tablets in Healthcare

Medical tablets have revolutionized healthcare by shedding paper-based operations and by bringing quality care to underserved areas. These tablets have sophisticated systems that turn information recording to easy tasks saving time, energy, and money by improving efficiency rates. Mobility is the…

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3 Ways to Automate Tedious Paper Processes in Hospitals

Nurses and doctors often voice the desire to go paperless. A recent report from International Data Corporation shows that about 40 percent of healthcare institutions have implemented paper reduction processes to operate a little greener. Although these efforts have improved a hospital's…

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2 Difficult Roadblocks for Medical Device Manufacturers (and How to Overcome Them)

Medical device manufacturers (MDMs) have their work cut out for them. Producing a medical device is one of the most arduous processes in the medical field; it takes meticulous design, several tests, verification, validation, retesting, proper documentation, and other steps to see a device turn from…

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3 Ways Medical Grade Computers Make Surgery Safer

It's clear that surgical mistakes—however minor they may be—are still prevalent on surgical tables and still cause significant health problems. You can easily get plenty of statistics online to verify some frequencies of surgical accidents. From problems of communication and preparation, to…

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3 Usages of Medical Tablets in a Mobile Environment

As the health landscape changes, the technology adapts to fit the needs of the people. Healthcare professionals strive to reach patients that aren't always able to travel to healthcare centers; that's one of the reasons why telehealth usage has grown in the past few years. As technologies adapt to…

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RFID Tablet Technologies Solving Problems in the Hospital

A hospital is an unpredictable environment. One moment hallways are calm and clear; the next, staff are bustling to get a patient into the emergency room. Errors are not uncommon. Thankfully, technology has evolved over time to address a lot of the problems we've seen in the past arising from…

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Understanding the Move to Mobile and HIPAA

Five years after the Internet went live to an unsuspecting public - one that had no idea how much it would need cat videos, online shopping and binge-watching -  the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was born in 1996. Fast forward more than 20 years and we’ve seen the…

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3 Screen Technologies in Hospitals that Can Alleviate Problems

Not all screens are created equal, and that can be easily said for technology in a hospital. Screen tech should vary depending on the purpose the screen in question serves. Some monitors are used in surgical procedures, others are used heavily with EMR software, and some are even used by patients.…

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