A Comprehensive Guide to Aircraft Assembly Line Equipment

Did you know the final assembly of an aircraft is primarily done by hand?  The Final Assembly Line (FAL) is the stage in aerospace manufacturing where the wings, tail, and other major plane parts are attached to the fuselage. Passenger seating, storage compartments, and electronics like industrial…

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Barcode Scanners: Everything You Need to Know for Efficient Inventory Management

Businesses constantly seek to increase their productivity, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. And it’s just not businesses: non-profits like healthcare organizations are also on the lookout to deliver the best patient care.  Barcode technology is helping both sectors accomplish their goals,…

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Emergency Vehicle Tech: A Look at Cutting-Edge Computer Systems

First responders – police officers, emergency medical technicians, and firefighters – are essential to preserving people’s lives and properties during a crisis. The prompt arrival of an emergency vehicle with responders can sometimes mean life or death for the people in distress.  Computers play a…

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Navigating Challenges: The Indispensable Role of Tech Support

Your IT department just received the computer equipment list for the new facility, which is scheduled to go live in a couple of months. As you scan the list, you realize there is no way your three-person team will need to know the ins and outs of the new hardware and software by opening day. You…

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Farm to Table: How Industrial Computers are Improving our Food Supply Chain

When you’re out shopping for groceries, you probably don’t consider how that bushel of apples or package of raw chicken reached the store shelf. But the process of getting food from the farm to your fork is one of the most important supply chains in the world. After all, how long would you last…

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How Computer Manufacturers Prevent Their Devices From Failing

The worst has happened: you’re at your workstation, typing away at a document or chart on your computer. Then, without warning, your screen goes black or displays a confusing and fragmented set of images before completely shutting down. You press some keys and mash the power button, but nothing…

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How Static Electricity Affects Computers

We’ve all had the sensation of reaching for a metal doorknob only to receive a slight electric shock as we touch it. That little jolt is an electrostatic discharge, the release of static electricity that occurs when two objects come into contact. However, that little zap can cause severe damage to…

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Stay Ahead of the Game: Top Manufacturing Innovations for 2023

Wouldn’t it be great if we could see what’s the next big manufacturing innovation in the industry?  Unfortunately, there is no crystal ball to do so. Nor an app or webpage we can pull up on our industrial tablet. However, we look at some of the manufacturing trends from 2021. And from there, take a…

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Why Rugged Computers Are Best Against Unexpected Jolts and Banging

Most computer users know that electricity and water can damage their computers. They may not know that PCs can sustain severe damage when bumped, shaken, or dropped.  We will cover the topic today. Why, for example, does an unprotected laptop stop working after unexpected jolts and banging?…

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CIP System: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Its Components

There was a time employees at a manufacturing plant would disassemble the machinery there and painstakingly clean up each piece of machinery.  That era is over, with today’s cleaning duties largely automated and controlled by industrial computers. Equally as important is the fact the cleaning…

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