Computer Lifespans And Design Features That Extend Them For Years

Whether you’re buying a single office PC or an entire shipment of medical-grade computers for a new hospital, you want to know you’re getting your money’s worth. In particular, you want to be sure that your new computers will last long enough for you to get a good return on your investment.…

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Different Ways Robotics in Healthcare is Transforming Industry

We’re all familiar with factory automation, or the use of machines, computers, and similar technologies to improve productivity in manufacturing. But can that same technology, like robotics, be used in healthcare?  It already has: surgical robotics have been used since 1985, when a robotic arm was…

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Old and New: A Guide to Modern and Legacy Computer Ports

Modern computers use a dizzying number of ports and connectors to connect with the Internet, interface with other devices, and accomplish whatever task their users require. Like any other form of technology, these ports have evolved as new data formats and transmission methods are developed and…

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Legacy Compatibility: Why It’s Important for Industrial, Medical, and Enterprise Computers

Ever use a single-purpose fax machine? Or have you watched technicians manually checking gauges of old mass printers at a manufacturing plant?  Both the devices above are legacy systems and play essential roles in every sector of the economy. We cover them in today's article: what they are, why…

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Barcode Scanning in Healthcare: Benefits, Uses & Adoption

Operating a hospital requires managing an overwhelming number of elements, from dispensing medication and managing inventory to admitting, treating, and discharging patients. Tracking all of these different elements is beyond any one person’s ability. Fortunately, technology exists to accomplish…

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Customizing Cybernet Computers: A Full Guide

The wide range of challenges medical computers face in a modern hospital means no simple “one size fits all” solution exists. Eventually, a hospital’s computers must be customized to fit their intended roles or applications.  However, the list of customization options is just as long as the list of…

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The Future of Healthcare: Automation for a Better Tomorrow

In the not-so-distant past, booking a doctor’s appointment meant dialing a phone and visiting an office in person. Today, it’s a swipe and tap on your smartphone. Picture this: a 30-minute consultation, all without leaving the comfort of your home. Welcome to the realm of healthcare…

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What Is Telehealth & Why Implement It

Telehealth is the future of healthcare, changing how patients and providers interact and expanding healthcare services beyond traditional limits. Telehealth implementation focuses on the practical aspects of integrating telehealth into healthcare organizations, ensuring it runs smoothly to benefit…

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USB-C: The Unsurpassed Connector For Modern Medical Computers

Looking at the back or sides of your hospital’s medical computers can reveal a dizzying array of ports and plugs, all of them meant to interface with other devices and help you better treat your patients. In recent years, you may have noticed a new addition to this gathering of ports: a small,…

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Medical Grade in Technology Explained

Is your hospital planning a major deployment of cutting-edge medical computers? At the forefront of your specifications is the requirement that they must be “medical grade.”  But what exactly does “medical grade” mean? Surprisingly, you won’t stumble upon this term at…

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