During an average shift, providers must interact with multiple medical tablets and computers, constantly logging in and out as they go. This is a slow, tedious process, especially if they need to access multiple applications or websites that also require users to log in. This time gradually adds up, leading to less time spent treating patients and a sense of bureaucratic frustration and burnout. 

With SSO, however, a healthcare provider can pull up a patient’s EHR, web browser, and any other tools they need after signing in just a single time, making it highly convenient during charting and treatment. 

SSO in healthcare can take several different forms. A single password granting access to multiple applications or tools is a form of SSO, but it can also take the form of a physical smart card programmed with an employee’s authentication credentials. Medical-grade computers can integrate smart card readers that allow providers to plug their cards in and get to work immediately.

The Advantages of SSO

Healthcare groups, providers, and patients all benefit from implementing SSO in a hospital’s operations. 

Increased Productivity

Because they don’t have to constantly sign in and out of applications and programs throughout the day, providers can instead focus on treating patients. They also need less help from IT professionals in recovering lost passwords or login credentials, which, in turn, lets those workers focus on other tasks. 

Higher Job Satisfaction

Let’s face it: no one likes dealing with paperwork or bureaucratic roadblocks. This goes especially for healthcare providers. They want to treat sick people, not deal with constant interruptions to their workflow. SSO lets providers quickly access the tools they need and reduces the hassle that adds to the feeling of being overwhelmed by bureaucratic busywork. 

Better Cybersecurity

At first, you might think that SSO creates a vulnerability in a hospital’s cybersecurity efforts: after all, aren’t multiple passwords or authentication methods more secure than just one? The truth is more complex. In theory, yes, each application or program having its own authentication requirement makes them more secure. However, this forgets the human element in cybersecurity. 

In the real world, providers having to remember multiple different passwords makes it that much easier for them to forget or misplace this crucial information. By relying on a single authentication method, providers can devote their focus to that one piece of information or physical smart card, making it easier for them to stay safe. 

Can Combine With Other Forms of Security

Another cybersecurity-related advantage of SSO is that it can naturally work with other forms of security, such as risk-based authentication (RBA). RBA monitors user habits and can flag unusual ones such as an unrecognized IP address attempting to log into a hospital’s systems. It may also note multiple login failures, and demand extra identification verification from these suspicious accounts

Ensure HIPAA Compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has stringent regulations regarding access to patient data, which often means multiple layers of expensive password management. By implementing SSO through a company like Imprivata, a healthcare group can ensure that only authorized personnel can access their database without going through the trouble of managing a roster of passwords and credentials.  

Enable Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

In computer terms, a “desktop” refers to the programs and information displayed on a monitor, like how a physical desk displays paperwork. A typical desktop is restricted to a single computer or device. With cloud computing and SSO, however, a virtual desktop can be transferred from one device to another, allowing providers to switch between computers while maintaining their work seamlessly. The moment a provider signs in, their virtual desktop immediately loads all of the programs and tools they were using previously, saving them time from having to re-open everything. 

Closing Thoughts

With the healthcare industry increasingly relying on computer programs and applications to treat patients, anything that speeds up the process of providers accessing the tools they need is a welcome sight. However, embracing SSO will require medical-grade computers capable of supporting the authentication method. 

If your healthcare group is interested in medical computers that are SSO-compatible, contact the team at Cybernet Manufacturing. We’d be happy to explain how our computers enable SSO login, along with a host of other security and productivity-enhancing features. 

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