Elevating Documentation: Importance of Quality Nurse Charting Notes in 2024

Information is king in healthcare. Breathing rate, blood pressure, and skin color can tell much about a patient’s health, with lab work and X-rays providing even more details. Patients’ information is charted—or taken and laid out in a particular format—to ensure that different medical…

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Industrial Computers: Driving Innovation and Growth in the Digital Age

Success in the industrial sector is often determined by who embraces innovation first. Henry Ford developed the modern assembly line and changed industrial processes forever. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and made mass-produced cotton garments feasible. Today, innovation comes from…

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How to Choose the Right Business Tablet: A Comprehensive Guide

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade or so, then you probably know how popular computer tablets are for businesses. These slim, flexible computers help businesses access Internet-based tools, manage inventories, handle presentations, and perform various other tasks.  But…

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Balancing Security and Convenience: User Authentication Best Practices

Password fatigue is defined as stress, anxiety, and worry associated with keeping track of all one’s accounts’ passwords. Users juggle over 150 passwords on average, a marked increase from 70 to 80 in 2019.  Like any form of constant tiredness, password fatigue can lead to mistakes.…

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Digital Twins: The Exciting New Innovation in Industrial Applications

Our world is an increasingly digital one, as computers take the place of human workers and analog controls. For the most part, this is a good thing; digital controls are more precise than older mechanical methods, and it’s always better to risk a device than a human in a hazardous industrial…

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Protecting Digital Assets: The Role of TPM Chips in Cybersecurity

In 2023, cyberattacks inflicted an estimated $11.5 trillion in damage, including monetary losses, service disruptions, and more. As we increasingly rely on computers in every sector of life imaginable, this number is bound to increase, reaching a predicted $23.84 trillion in 2027.  Understandably,…

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Guide to Best Technology for Lean Manufacturing Strategies

Optimization is the process of making something entirely suitable for its specific purpose. Designing cars and planes to be aerodynamic to reduce drag is an example. Building industrial tablets from the ground up to be IP65-rated dust and water-resistant is another.  Optimization in business…

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The Future of Green Computing in 2024 and the Rise of AI

The question of eco-friendly design has become increasingly pressing as the threat of climate change continues to rise. Global temperatures have risen 1.1 degrees Celsius (or 2 degrees Fahrenheit) over the last century, leading to melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events that…

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Boosting Industrial Efficiency: The Advantages of Open Frame Panel PCs

Computers have always been an enticing addition to any industrial setting, whether that be a factory floor or an oil rig. Converting from analog to digital controls for greater precision and enabling machine-to-machine or Internet of Things communication can dramatically enhance a business’s…

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How IP Addresses and Geolocation Protect Your Network

Just like how your home or business has an address, every computer, tablet, and smartphone has an address on the Internet. An Internet Protocol (IP) address helps guide traffic and manage the flow of data between devices and servers. It also serves as an essential tool in cybersecurity efforts.  A…

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