Elevating Documentation: Importance of Quality Nurse Charting Notes in 2024

Information is king in healthcare. Breathing rate, blood pressure, and skin color can tell much about a patient’s health, with lab work and X-rays providing even more details. Patients’ information is charted—or taken and laid out in a particular format—to ensure that different medical…

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How Infotainment Systems Can Benefit Both Patients and Providers

Patients rarely want to be at a hospital, which goes double for inpatients needing long-term care. A hospital is often associated with pain, discomfort, and confinement, with patients having to stay in bed and do nothing while their body recovers from illness or surgery. For years, the only thing…

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A Happy, Healthy Mind: The New Technologies Revolutionizing Behavioral Therapy

As stigma fades and awareness rises, behavioral healthcare has become increasingly prevalent in the conversation surrounding the healthcare sector. The World Health Organization estimates that roughly 29% of all people in the world will experience a mental health disorder at some point in their…

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How to Choose the Right Enterprise Computer Solutions for Healthcare

Medical computers are specifically built to handle the sometimes punishing environments in the healthcare sector, such as hospitals. Related health organizations like rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and hospice care may not always feel the need or have the financial means to have medical…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Chiropractic Equipment

Chiropractors aim to relieve pain in their patients and increase their range of motion. Chiropractors accomplish this objective through adjustments or realigning the patient’s bones, especially their spine.  While chiropractors still perform adjustments by hand, many utilize tools in their…

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How to Improve Patient Outcomes: Best Practices for Healthcare Professionals

“How are you feeling?” Ever noticed how much you’re asked that question when you visit your provider for a check-up? You’ll definitely get asked even more if you’re hospitalized for any length of time. While you’re right in thinking the question is a query of your health, it and your responses are…

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2024’s Top Healthcare Technology Trends

With 2023 firmly in the rear-view mirror, the healthcare sector now turns its gaze to 2024. 2023 saw its fair share of economic and political turmoil worldwide and the explosive growth of generative AI.  ChatGPT and similar programs are poised to disrupt almost every industry imaginable, and…

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Essential Emergency Room Equipment

In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of the Emergency Room (ER), having the right equipment on hand is not just about efficiency—it’s about saving lives. Essential ER equipment, from advanced diagnostic tools to life-sustaining devices, forms the backbone of effective emergency care, enabling…

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Investing in Quality: Why OR Equipment Matters in Healthcare

Worldwide, over 300 million surgeries are performed each year, with US surgeons performing around 64 million procedures alone. To maximize each surgery’s success, hospitals equip their surgical teams and operating theaters with the best possible tools and equipment. Today’s article will…

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5 Key Benefits of Using Digital Insurance Cards for Your Healthcare Needs

The modern world looks to be all digital. Need to pass the TSA checkpoint at the airport? Tap your smartphone containing your digital ID on their scanner to check-in. Are you eyeing that new or used SUV at the dealership and want more information? Scan the QR code taped on its window with your…

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