Old and Outdated: Why Fax Machines Are Holding Back Healthcare in 2024

The first fax machine was developed by Xerox in 1964. For sixty years, these machines have been a fixture in offices around the world as the best way to share documents over long distances. This capability has also made fax machines nearly ubiquitous in healthcare, where they have been the primary…

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Ensuring Your Medical Device is Government-Ready in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

Bringing a new medical device to market is always a daunting proposition. Every aspect of the device must be considered, from its target audience to the need for medical-grade certification. On average, it costs $54 million to develop a new medical device and 3 to 7 years for the U.S. Food and Drug…

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How Infotainment Systems Can Benefit Both Patients and Providers

Patients rarely want to be at a hospital, which goes double for inpatients needing long-term care. A hospital is often associated with pain, discomfort, and confinement, with patients having to stay in bed and do nothing while their body recovers from illness or surgery. For years, the only thing…

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How to Find the Perfect Computer for Medical Coding and Billing

Medical coders and billers are unsung heroes in healthcare. They ensure providers’ diagnostic and procedural notes are translated into the correct codes for tracking patient health and receiving payments from insurance companies.  Today’s article briefly touches upon the occupations,…

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Implementing New Technology in Healthcare: Challenges and Best Practices

Humanity has always relied on technology and our capacity for invention to secure better lives. We get cold in the winter, so we mastered fire. We can’t travel fast, so we tamed horses and later invented carriages, cars, and aircraft. The same applies to healthcare. We created bandages to stop…

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The Importance of Data Security in Healthcare: Protecting Patient Privacy

The healthcare sector has become increasingly data-driven as providers embrace analytics to find better solutions and improve people’s quality of life. However, this data can be a significant point of vulnerability and a tempting prize for cybercriminals to steal.  Data security, the process of…

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HIPAA-Compliant Technology: The Ultimate Guide

Few regulations are as critical in the world of healthcare as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Passed in 1996 and enforced by the Office of Civil Rights, HIPAA compliance remains critical for healthcare providers and insurance companies alike.  In today’s article, we…

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Maximizing Patient Care: The Benefits of Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Healthcare providers need a reliable and secure way to record their work with patients. Elements like diagnoses, treatment history, and personal health information are all critical pieces of knowledge that must be documented and stored for future reference. Over the years, the method for storing…

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Beyond The Screen: A Comprehensive Guide to Privacy Filters In Healthcare Settings

When people think of cybercrimes, they think of things like phishing, firewalls, security encryption, and ransomware. These are all reasonable concerns, but one aspect of cybercrimes that often goes unremembered is “visual hacking.”  Visual hacking is exactly what it sounds like: malicious actors…

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Cybernet’s Partners And How They Make Us Better

As the saying goes, “No man is an island.” As it turns out, the same goes for businesses. Every company, no matter how skilled or capable its employees may be, needs business partners to deliver the best possible product or service to its customers.  At Cybernet Manufacturing, we rely on our…

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