How Generative AI Makes Drug Discovery Faster and Cheaper

Generative artificial intelligence has made waves in almost every industry imaginable, from industrial applications to banking to healthcare. Its ability to analyze data and create new insights lets it discover new options faster than a human mind can. This makes generative AI incredibly appealing…

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Industrial Tablets vs. Consumer-Grade: Why Rugged Wins Out

The modern warehouse or factory floor is an increasingly digital space. Inventory management and machine controls are shifting away from paper records and analog inputs to data-powered methods for both.  However, transitioning to digital tools requires the right hardware. Computer tablets are often…

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How Technology is Transforming Food Safety and Sanitation Practices

In the vast and complex food industry, safety mistakes are among every involved business’s worst nightmare. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 48 million Americans get sick from foodborne illnesses each year, with 128,000 being hospitalized and 3,000 perishing…

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How to Find the Perfect Computer for Medical Coding and Billing

Medical coders and billers are unsung heroes in healthcare. They ensure providers’ diagnostic and procedural notes are translated into the correct codes for tracking patient health and receiving payments from insurance companies.  Today’s article briefly touches upon the occupations,…

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A Happy, Healthy Mind: The New Technologies Revolutionizing Behavioral Therapy

As stigma fades and awareness rises, behavioral healthcare has become increasingly prevalent in the conversation surrounding the healthcare sector. The World Health Organization estimates that roughly 29% of all people in the world will experience a mental health disorder at some point in their…

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Small but Mighty: How to Choose the Best Small Form Factor PC for Your Needs

The phrase “One Size Fits All” doesn’t fit today’s technology-driven world. Off-the-shelf desktop computers and laptops would be quickly crushed in the confined spaces of many factories. Industries like manufacturing and healthcare need the right-sized PCs for such places…

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How Redundancies Improve the Reliability of Medical Computers

When we hear the word “redundancy,” we often associate it with inefficient or wasteful designs or treat it as a flaw to be avoided. However, redundancy is frequently a critical component of reliability, ensuring that if one element of a system fails, other components can take over that function.…

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Power Over Ethernet: What It Is and Where is It Going

Today’s electronics allow people to do tasks more quickly, more thoroughly, and with less effort. Unfortunately, all the devices involved require electricity, which may not be available depending on the location of the power outlets. Data transmission through cable is also needed as reliable…

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Harnessing Computer Technology for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry

You’ve been tasked with purchasing computers for your company, a manufacturer whose parts and services are found throughout the oil and gas industry. The computers must work in diverse settings, like remote deserts, and for different purposes. Is there such a PC that can work in many places…

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Why Anti-Glare Screens Matter for Medical and Industrial Computers

We’ve all had the experience of trying to use our computer or smartphone, only to curse and crane our necks because of the glare obscuring most of the screen. Screen glare isn’t just an annoyance, however.  Dealing with harsh screen glare can lead to eye strain, headaches, and even neck and…

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