Sustainable Solutions: The Latest Innovations in Food Industry Technology

The food industry faces unprecedented challenges in the upcoming years as climate change threatens fertile land and the human population continues to grow. At our current rates, we will have 9.8 billion people on the face of the Earth by 2050, which means more hungry mouths to feed.  Sadly, we…

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Making the Right Choice: Selecting a Reliable Medical Equipment Manufacturer

Bringing a medical device to market is a years-long process that costs tens of millions of dollars. To reduce time and expense, many medical device manufacturers outsource their essential parts and equipment, such as medical computers, to medical contract manufacturers, namely Original Equipment…

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How Technology is Transforming Food Safety and Sanitation Practices

In the vast and complex food industry, safety mistakes are among every involved business’s worst nightmare. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 48 million Americans get sick from foodborne illnesses each year, with 128,000 being hospitalized and 3,000 perishing…

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Power Over Ethernet: What It Is and Where is It Going

Today’s electronics allow people to do tasks more quickly, more thoroughly, and with less effort. Unfortunately, all the devices involved require electricity, which may not be available depending on the location of the power outlets. Data transmission through cable is also needed as reliable…

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Harnessing Computer Technology for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry

You’ve been tasked with purchasing computers for your company, a manufacturer whose parts and services are found throughout the oil and gas industry. The computers must work in diverse settings, like remote deserts, and for different purposes. Is there such a PC that can work in many places…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Aircraft Assembly Line Equipment

Did you know the final assembly of an aircraft is primarily done by hand?  The Final Assembly Line (FAL) is the stage in aerospace manufacturing where the wings, tail, and other major plane parts are attached to the fuselage. Passenger seating, storage compartments, and electronics like industrial…

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Why Rugged Tablets are Perfect for Industrial Worksites

For most workers, computers have become ubiquitous in their daily workflow. However, some workplaces are too inhospitable for the average consumer or off-the-shelf PC. Construction sites, factory floors, oil rigs, and other hazardous worksites simply are too much for a typical computer to handle.…

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Barcode Scanners: Everything You Need to Know for Efficient Inventory Management

Businesses constantly seek to increase their productivity, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. And it’s just not businesses: non-profits like healthcare organizations are also on the lookout to deliver the best patient care.  Barcode technology is helping both sectors accomplish their goals,…

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Emergency Vehicle Tech: A Look at Cutting-Edge Computer Systems

First responders – police officers, emergency medical technicians, and firefighters – are essential to preserving people’s lives and properties during a crisis. The prompt arrival of an emergency vehicle with responders can sometimes mean life or death for the people in distress.  Computers play a…

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Navigating Challenges: The Indispensable Role of Tech Support

Your IT department just received the computer equipment list for the new facility, which is scheduled to go live in a couple of months. As you scan the list, you realize there is no way your three-person team will need to know the ins and outs of the new hardware and software by opening day. You…

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