Industrial Computers: Driving Innovation and Growth in the Digital Age

Success in the industrial sector is often determined by who embraces innovation first. Henry Ford developed the modern assembly line and changed industrial processes forever. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and made mass-produced cotton garments feasible. Today, innovation comes from…

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Guide to Best Technology for Lean Manufacturing Strategies

Optimization is the process of making something entirely suitable for its specific purpose. Designing cars and planes to be aerodynamic to reduce drag is an example. Building industrial tablets from the ground up to be IP65-rated dust and water-resistant is another.  Optimization in business…

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The Right Fit: Display Size Factors for Medical and Industrial Computers

From the hospital to the factory floor, almost every industry imaginable has been improved by implementing digital technology. One of the most important (but often overlooked) considerations when implementing new computer tools or upgrading pre-existing structures is the physical dimensions of the…

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Boosting Industrial Efficiency: The Advantages of Open Frame Panel PCs

Computers have always been an enticing addition to any industrial setting, whether that be a factory floor or an oil rig. Converting from analog to digital controls for greater precision and enabling machine-to-machine or Internet of Things communication can dramatically enhance a business’s…

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Industrial Tablets vs. Consumer-Grade: Why Rugged Wins Out

The modern warehouse or factory floor is an increasingly digital space. Inventory management and machine controls are shifting away from paper records and analog inputs to data-powered methods for both.  However, transitioning to digital tools requires the right hardware. Computer tablets are often…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Aircraft Assembly Line Equipment

Did you know the final assembly of an aircraft is primarily done by hand?  The Final Assembly Line (FAL) is the stage in aerospace manufacturing where the wings, tail, and other major plane parts are attached to the fuselage. Passenger seating, storage compartments, and electronics like industrial…

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Capacitive vs. Resistive Touch Screens: What’s Right For Your Business?

From cell phones to factory floors, touch screens have become a ubiquitous part of computers in our daily lives. But for how much time we spend swiping, tapping, and scrolling, how much do we actually know about these pieces of technology?  There are two major types of touch screens: capacitive and…

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Cybernet’s Partners And How They Make Us Better

As the saying goes, “No man is an island.” As it turns out, the same goes for businesses. Every company, no matter how skilled or capable its employees may be, needs business partners to deliver the best possible product or service to its customers.  At Cybernet Manufacturing, we rely on our…

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How Computer Manufacturers Prevent Their Devices From Failing

The worst has happened: you’re at your workstation, typing away at a document or chart on your computer. Then, without warning, your screen goes black or displays a confusing and fragmented set of images before completely shutting down. You press some keys and mash the power button, but nothing…

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Embracing Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Remember when you had to call your provider’s office to schedule an appointment to get a flu shot? Now, you can schedule one on the website of your local pharmacy. Want the best plastic surgeon, but she’s based halfway around the world? It’s not a problem as she remotely operates the robot…

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