6 Reasons Not to Worry About Robots in the Operating Room

There’s no shortage of fear about automation, but most of it has to do with job loss. However, there is a unique anxiety that may have patients fearing their upcoming surgery appointment more than usual: the idea that a robot may be the one holding the scalpel. Robotic surgery is making…

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4 Steps for Fighting Ransomware in Healthcare

Malware is bad news for any venture, but healthcare seems particularly vulnerable. Due to air-tight HIPAA regulations, a data breach or data loss by a healthcare facility costs more than just the ransom or the price of restoration. The fines for HIPAA breaches, just on their own, have been…

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The 8 Best Uses for Industrial Tablets in Construction

Either your company already has industrial tablets for construction work and wants to know how to deploy them to maximum effect, or you don’t have them and are considering an upgrade. No matter what stage you’re in, know that the right application of a handheld, rugged tablet can cut through a…

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Is Your Hospital Ready for the Future of AI?

Leaps in computing power, programming abilities, and the web of interconnected devices has created a boom in artificial intelligence. A.I. will undoubtedly improve, disrupt, and alter every industry in the world, but it’s in healthcare that it could make the strongest impact. Artificial…

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