How Medical Grade Computers Are Benefitting Chiropractic Clinics

Man and machine are made to complement each other, especially when it comes to medicine. They go hand by hand, which is why professionals work with high-end equipment to produce fast, accurate data. This, in return, aids them in properly helping each individual patient. While medical grade…

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Optimal Performance in The Industrial Sector: RS-232 Serial Ports Over USB

The current version of the RS-232 was issued in 1997, but its original use was for 1960s telegraphs. Technologically speaking, the RS-232 is borderline artifact, yet it’s still found attached to many PCs in the industrial sector - and for good reason. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a RS-232 serial…

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Touch Screen Operability: Capacitive vs Resistive Touch Screens

Many businesses today can benefit with an upgrade to PCs utilizing touch screen technology. With intuitive application, PCs and tablets equipped with touch screen capabilities allow for more streamlined operations, with less cumbersome wires and attachments. Two touch screen options are commonly…

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How to Develop a Workflow for New Medical Technology

When your healthcare setting is used to working in its old ways, it can be a daunting experience trying to plan out a new addition to the workflow. New technological advances and improvements have brought out new medical equipment that can help save you space, time and money; and, most importantly,…

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How Medical Computers Are Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry

Medical computers manage patients’ information and allow functions like writing & tracking prescriptions, managing patient billing and tracking all aspects of a patient's medical care.  Medical computers are improving the lives of many, and in this article we discuss in depth how they are…

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Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Tablet PCs

Physicians are very busy in any healthcare setting. They go from room to room without a moment to spare. Patients can end up waiting for hours. How much of a relief would it be if they had a piece of technology that could save one hour per day amidst the chaos? Tablet PCs do that and so much more!…

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Best Hospital Settings for a Medical Computer

The importance of using medical computers stems back to when former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Mike Leavitt, noted the importance of effective information technology in hospitals. Levitt, who served in the Bush administration, said it is “necessary to improve healthcare quality”.…

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Why Industrial Computers are Perfect for the Petroleum and Coal Business Sectors

There are a number of sectors that rely on industrial computing devices to carry out an extensive number of business processes. In terms of growth, the processing power and capabilities of modern industrial computing devices have grown to mirror evolving business needs. The petroleum and coal…

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The Use of Industrial Computers in the Aerospace Sector

Over recent years, industrial computers have come to take on a critical role in a number of professions. The aerospace industry is one sector that has come to rely on the use of these devices to address a number of tasks and needs. Aerospace is chiefly concerned with the merging different streams…

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