Chatbot for Healthcare: A New Era in Patient Care

Chatbots, or programs designed to simulate human conversation especially online, have been sweeping the news feeds for the past few weeks. Much of the interest is driven by ChatGPT, which has wowed users with its abilities to answer questions ranging from how to bottle-feed a colicky baby to…

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Why Personal Health Records are as Important as EHR and EMR

When most people hear of medical software, they imagine programs like electronic health records or telehealth. But it’s not just providers and healthcare IT who use them for the health industry. Patients are turning to software as part of their greater involvement in their health needs. We cover…

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What a Code Red Means to Hospital Safety and Patient Lives

Hospitals are busy places. Yet many activities are tightly controlled to allow patients to rest and heal.  How do they achieve this almost eerie calm especially in emergencies? One way is through special hospital codes like the well-known Code Blue, which is used for patients in respiratory or…

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5 Medical Software to Shape Healthcare’s Future

At first glance, modern healthcare looks like a chaotic mess. Think about all those hospitals and medical centers, providers, medical staff, pharmaceutical and research companies, and even patients themselves, vying to fulfill their part in treating the ill and sick. What are the stats of the…

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The Role of Medical Carts in Today’s Modern Healthcare System

Ever noticed how doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel have just the right meds or piece of equipment for patients at a moment’s notice? They don’t simply disappear for even a minute to get, for example, an aspirin for a patient complaining of a headache. Instead they bring the pain reliever…

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Three Major Dentistry Challenges and Possible Tech Solutions

Over five thousand years have passed since the first recorded dentist looked into the mouth of a patient. His modern counterparts deal with even greater challenges from increased competition to government regulation.  Thankfully, new tools and systems are available. Read on to learn about this…

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4 Things to Consider When Selecting a Computer for EHR

Electronic health records (EHR), also known as electronic medical records (EMR), have had a major impact on the healthcare system. You and your healthcare IT department (HIT) know how it allows your providers to create, update, and share patients’ health records quickly. This helps immensely…

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HIPAA Guidelines & What is HIPAA Compliance [Compliance Checklist]

You know what is an easy way to save 1.5 Million dollars? Follow HIPAA’s regulations. This is the amount that companies on average are paying for each HIPAA violation. That is not including possible job loss or jail time.  So how does one avoid such eye-popping fines and penalties? What…

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How Medical Grade Computers Are Used in Emergency Rooms

In the past we discussed the uses for computers in a medical healthcare facility or hospital. While we provided some solid guidelines, we didn’t address the various departments, their specialties, and unique requirements. Here we’ll be covering one of them ﹘ the emergency department or emergency…

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How Modern Hospital Waiting Rooms Provide Safety and Reduce Wait Time

No one likes waiting in waiting rooms. Especially if one is sick or has a loved one in a hospital ward. Realizing this, medical clinics and hospitals made many changes to make the experience more bearable. COVID-19 shifted these efforts, making safety the priority for patients and staff. We’ll be…

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