What Is Telehealth & Why Implement It

Telehealth is the future of healthcare, changing how patients and providers interact and expanding healthcare services beyond traditional limits. Telehealth implementation focuses on the practical aspects of integrating telehealth into healthcare organizations, ensuring it runs smoothly to benefit…

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Replace 6 Hospital Equipment with One Medical Computer or Tablet

Remember the days people used to walk with stereos and their arms fatigued from holding those bulky video cameras?  Now all those devices and functions fit in your pocket via your smartphone. A similar replacement, which we’re covering today, is happening in the healthcare industry thanks to…

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Cardiology Department: The Heart of the Hospital

Did you know the heart determined your place in the afterlife? At least it did to the ancient Egyptians. A person’s soul, represented by their heart, was weighed against the feather of Truth. If it weighed less, the soul went to Paradise. If it weighed more, the heart was devoured.  While the…

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How Medical Grade Computers Are Used in Emergency Rooms

In the past we discussed the uses for computers in a medical healthcare facility or hospital. While we provided some solid guidelines, we didn’t address the various departments, their specialties, and unique requirements. Here we’ll be covering one of them ﹘ the emergency department or emergency…

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3D Imaging and Diagnostics in Healthcare

The technological advancements that have taken place within the clinical setting have changed the face of the entire healthcare industry. The extensive use of devices like medical grade computers has transformed the way patients and physicians treat a variety of illnesses. Healthcare administrators…

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