Cutting-edge Technology in Mining Safety: What You Need to Know

Worker safety is a priority for most companies for a variety of reasons. Yet how does one achieve it with mining and its many inherent dangers, like having thousands of tons of earth mere feet above the miners?  The answer lies in mining safety technology. Ranging from the use of robots to…

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Green Mining Innovations: Paving the Way for a Cleaner Future

Countries around the world are demanding greater environmental accountability of themselves and others. Many are turning to technology for answers. Industrial computers, which can be built to consume less power, is one such example. The mining industry is a major industrial sector going green.…

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Challenges Facing the Mining Industry and Technologies That Can Help

Did you know people have been mining for minerals and metals before recorded history? In fact, the oldest known mine, which is located in South Africa, appears to have been worked as far back as 40,000 years ago.  That mine was used to dig for coal. Now mining is a massive global industry which…

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