The Benefits of Using Telehealth Kiosks to Help Vulnerable Groups

One of the greatest challenges for developing nations or those trying to serve rural communities is delivering effective healthcare to their constituents. For people in underdeveloped areas or those with inconsistent access to healthcare providers, getting even the basics of healthcare can be an…

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How to Improve Patient Outcomes: Best Practices for Healthcare Professionals

“How are you feeling?” Ever noticed how much you’re asked that question when you visit your provider for a check-up? You’ll definitely get asked even more if you’re hospitalized for any length of time. While you’re right in thinking the question is a query of your health, it and your responses are…

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How Medical Software Improves Patient Care and Streamlines Provider Workflow

Medical software, like those found in a hospital’s medical computer or tablet, are programs that automate some process for the healthcare sector.  EHR/EMR, telehealth/telemedicine, Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), medical image analysis, and medical diagnosis are the most well-known examples of…

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The Benefits of Telehealth Psychiatry: Why It’s a Game-Changer

Telemedicine has allowed patients and doctors to reach each other and treat illnesses without physically being in the same room. Providers can see, hear, and even examine their patients remotely on their medical computers and advise the appropriate treatments. Can the same be done with mental…

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5 Medical Software to Shape Healthcare’s Future

At first glance, modern healthcare looks like a chaotic mess. Think about all those hospitals and medical centers, providers, medical staff, pharmaceutical and research companies, and even patients themselves, vying to fulfill their part in treating the ill and sick. What are the stats of the…

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Why Specialty Healthcare Will Go Remote

While the rest of the world fights to end the pandemic and return to normal, the pre-pandemic normal will never return for the healthcare industry. While several of the emergency protocols demanded by social distancing measures and surging infection rates will disappear, many of the technical…

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How AI Helps Healthcare Improve Post-Facility Care

Healthcare for any given person isn’t something that ends as soon as they leave the hospital. Bar certain conditions and emergencies, illnesses are things that a patient will need to manage and care not to exacerbate even after they receive proper treatment from a professional. Whether this need…

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What Are the New 21st Century Cures Act Interoperability and Information Blocking Laws?

Healthcare has recently been rife with policy changes and a “status quo” that has been anything but. And as we try to backwards engineer a new form of healthcare that can meet today’s pandemic-conscious patient’s needs, we’ve seen all manner of new policies ranging from the shutdown of elective…

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Telehealth and Diabetes Management

November is American Diabetes Month, a time where public awareness shifts towards the disease and advancements made towards its treatment and prevention methods. And this month of up-ticked awareness is much needed when you consider just how prevalent diabetes is in the US population. According to…

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Preparing for Better Telehealth Reimbursement and Better Remote Care

Healthcare is, understandably, undergoing a few growing pains. With 2020’s pandemic exponentially blowing up the importance and necessity of telehealth, several providers scrambled to quickly adopt new tech such as portable medical computer systems and services like remote patient monitoring before…

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