10 Ways Hospitals Can Boost Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency presents both a challenge and an opportunity for healthcare facilities. The main challenge is the unique circumstances healthcare facilities face. Regulatory requirements, infection control, the intensity of energy and water use, 24/7 uninterrupted operation set healthcare…

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How Aging Medical Technology Can Be Upgraded Or Integrated Into A New System

Value now plays a big role in health care more than ever and impacts the healthcare system, shifting payment models to value-based purchasing and pay per performance reimbursements. While budgets do not increase, regulatory pressure does alongside expenses and patient numbers. The urge to digitize…

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Benefits Of Industrial Tablets In Manufacturing

Industrial tablets are becoming increasingly popular in the manufacturing sector. Taking a more pragmatic approach than consumer-focused enterprises, manufacturing environments choose to deploy military grade tablets due to their reliability, durability and total cost of ownership. The rugged…

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The Importance Of Real-Time Communication Technology In The Event Of A Disaster

Healthcare facilities are complex ecosystems with hundreds of clinical and administrative processes. Hospitals also play a central role in disaster response, and technology revolutionizes how first responders organize, automate and streamline the workflow. Natural and manmade disasters of the past…

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Flexible Open Frame Panel PC – Advantages, Market Segments, and Important Features

Flexible open frame panel PCs are built from ground up to be easily integrated into custom solutions. The open frame means a device is mainly placed in a metal enclosure and does not have a bezel. Instead, it is typically shipped with various mounting options or options that allow it to be easily…

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Integrating Computers That Serve Dual Purposes Into The Medical Space

Health IT is improving patient health, data collection and safety, care quality and efficiency, but most importantly it is helping providers restrain rising costs. Through the implementation of technology that serves dual, or often times multiple, purposes, healthcare providers are introducing new…

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The Benefits Of A Mini Rugged As A Point Of Sale Computer

Leveraging Point of Sale In any competitive business, the point of sale is a lot more than just a place to register the cash flow. When equipped properly, POS becomes your strategic center, your shortcut to the many business processes that help you grow your business. These processes need to be…

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How Medical Patient-Side Computers Are Used By Doctors And Patients

Computer technology and healthcare are no longer separable, with the rapid adoption of interconnected, smart equipment in all areas of healthcare. A few years ago, patient side infotainment systems grasped the attention of hospitals. Since under the Affordable Care Act the hospitals’ budgets…

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The Dramatic Growth of Medical Automation

Medical automation market is experiencing a dramatic growth, according to market researchers. Grand View Research estimates the global market's growth to reach $79.4 billion by 2024. The Use of Smart Technology in Medical Automation Is Propelling the Market Control systems and ever-increasingly…

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