How Barcode Reading Helps Food and Beverage Industry to Improve Product Quality, Traceability, and Brand Reputation

Delivering a safe and quality product to consumers is a challenge food and beverage manufacturers and retailers tackle every day. Every day that challenge increases due to a number of factors. The production rates grow, so does the level of automation in the industry. Hence, the demand of packaging…

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How Embedded Computer Systems in the Industrial Field Are Changing Manufacturing As We Know It

Though you may not realize it, embedded computer systems exist in many facets of our everyday lives and work. An embedded computer system is any special-purpose system that is fully enclosed. Whereas a general computer system may perform a variety of tasks with many options for adds on and…

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How Hackers Can Infiltrate Networked Medical Devices

Until fairly recently the medical community was not aware of the fact that there are hackers out there who have the ability to infiltrate a hospital’s medical devices and exploit the data contained in them for profit or for other purposes. Even though these devices tend to be protected using a…

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Utilizing Rugged Tablets for Order Automation

Regardless of the products that a company produces and distributes, the process of completing orders is always very similar. Orders come in, often in a variety of formats, including email, fax, phone, and online forms. Then, a staff member must sift through each order and format in order to extract…

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5 Ways Tablets Can Revolutionize the Way You Do Business

Time is of the essence is in the world of business. Regardless of the size of your company, it’s important to have the skills, staff, resources and technology at your disposal that will allow you to conduct business more quickly and efficiently. Tablets are quickly becoming a must-have in small…

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5 Ways Small Businesses Can Improve the Security of Their Point-of-Sale Systems

Many small businesses such as restaurants, bars, or even retailers, use Point-of-Sale (POS) systems to make the process of receiving payments from customers easier. Complete POS systems may include a computer along with a monitor, a cash drawer, a receipt printer, a credit card reader, and a mouse…

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Reducing Cybersecurity Threats with Biometric and Smart Card Readers

Health organizations have dedicated millions toward implementing security tools to thwart cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, these efforts have been challenged, as firewalls, prevention systems, intrusion detection and email security have proven that executives and employees are among the…

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Cybersecurity in the Construction Industry

Businesses in the construction industry, just like every other industry, are at an increasingly growing risk of a cyberattack. Even though the number of such attacks is lower in construction compared to other industries such as health care or defense, there is always a possibility that a hacker…

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Trimming Construction Time And Costs With Tablets

Tablet computers have made their way into many businesses, but one place where their adoption has been slow is in the construction industry. Some feel that the handheld computers don’t have a place in the middle of the heavy and dirty work that is construction. In reality though, the new…

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