Essential Emergency Room Equipment

In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of the Emergency Room (ER), having the right equipment on hand is not just about efficiency—it’s about saving lives. Essential ER equipment, from advanced diagnostic tools to life-sustaining devices, forms the backbone of effective emergency care, enabling…

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Investing in Quality: Why OR Equipment Matters in Healthcare

Worldwide, over 300 million surgeries are performed each year, with US surgeons performing around 64 million procedures alone. To maximize each surgery’s success, hospitals equip their surgical teams and operating theaters with the best possible tools and equipment. Today’s article will…

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5 Key Benefits of Using Digital Insurance Cards for Your Healthcare Needs

The modern world looks to be all digital. Need to pass the TSA checkpoint at the airport? Tap your smartphone containing your digital ID on their scanner to check-in. Are you eyeing that new or used SUV at the dealership and want more information? Scan the QR code taped on its window with your…

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Different Ways Robotics in Healthcare is Transforming Industry

We’re all familiar with factory automation, or the use of machines, computers, and similar technologies to improve productivity in manufacturing. But can that same technology, like robotics, be used in healthcare?  It already has: surgical robotics have been used since 1985, when a robotic arm was…

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Essential Hospital Pharmacy Equipment List

A hospital pharmacy manages the supply and administration of all medications in the hospital or medical center. Hospital pharmacies must maintain high standards of accuracy, timeliness, and efficiency, as important decisions from prescribed treatment plans to dosages and administration routes all…

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Better and Faster Results: The Power of Edge Computing in Healthcare

Data drives modern medical technology. Over 10 billion Internet of Things (IoT) medical devices measure and report information like heartbeat rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, and more. This data must be processed and analyzed so that healthcare providers can make better-informed treatment…

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Why Veterinary Clinics Use Medical Grade Computers

Humanity has practiced veterinary medicine for as long as we’ve domesticated animals. From ancient Egypt to China, veterinarians have treated the animals we call pets and beasts of burden since 3000 BCE.  But like the broader healthcare field, veterinary medicine has experienced massive…

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Customizing Cybernet Computers: A Full Guide

The wide range of challenges medical computers face in a modern hospital means no simple “one size fits all” solution exists. Eventually, a hospital’s computers must be customized to fit their intended roles or applications.  However, the list of customization options is just as long as the list of…

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The Importance of Hospital Equipment Ergonomics

Healthcare providers are dedicated to the health and well-being of others. Sadly, the nature of their work often exposes healthcare employees to diverse hazards, from toxic materials to workplace injuries.  In navigating these challenges, integrating ergonomic principles enhances workplace safety,…

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Nurses’ Station: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Healthcare groups have numerous priorities to juggle when designing a hospital’s layout. They must move patients around efficiently, store supplies in convenient spots, and protect against potential radiological or chemical hazards.  Just as critical as these concerns is giving healthcare providers…

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