Power Over Ethernet: What It Is and Where is It Going

Today’s electronics allow people to do tasks more quickly, more thoroughly, and with less effort. Unfortunately, all the devices involved require electricity, which may not be available depending on the location of the power outlets. Data transmission through cable is also needed as reliable…

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Cutting-edge Technology in Mining Safety: What You Need to Know

Worker safety is a priority for most companies for a variety of reasons. Yet how does one achieve it with mining and its many inherent dangers, like having thousands of tons of earth mere feet above the miners?  The answer lies in mining safety technology. Ranging from the use of robots to…

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Medical Grade in Technology Explained

Is your hospital planning a major deployment of cutting-edge medical computers? At the forefront of your specifications is the requirement that they must be “medical grade.”  But what exactly does “medical grade” mean? Surprisingly, you won’t stumble upon this term at…

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Defining Computer Reliability

Imagine you launch the messaging app on your phone and it turns on the camera instead. Or your laptop only powers up 30 percent of the time. Neither of these scenarios would be a pleasant experience. Most of us would probably ditch the offending device into the nearest trash bin. We expect our…

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How to Prepare for a Digital Disaster

The phrase “disaster preparedness” typically conjures up the image of escape plans, first aid kits, bug-out bags, and hoarding bathroom supplies. There is even an entire subculture and industry built around preparing to survive all manner of cataclysms, from natural disasters to fantastical…

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How to Choose the Best Rugged Tablet for Construction

Your construction company wants tablets for its crews out in the field. The reasons you get vary from increased worker safety to the upcoming construction boom.   You have been tasked to select those tablets. Where do you start? What do you look for? Right now, all you know is the regular,…

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How EMR, mHealth, and Smart Homes Comfort Hospice Residents

In 3 Technologies That Are Advancing Hospice Care, we discussed how telemedicine, predictive analytics, and virtual reality (VR) benefited patients in hospice. This time, we’re covering three additional technologies: electronic medical records (EMR), mHealth (example: wearables), and smart homes.…

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Does Better Cooling in a PC Improve Performance?

Not only does a cool computer work better, a hot computer is a sign of imminent–and expensive–damage. PCs generate heat, which slows performance and even damages components over time. Cooling systems keep PCs alive in normal circumstances: in extreme situations, PCs slow down and stop working when…

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5 Reasons Why Rugged Industrial Computers are Best for Oil Refineries

An oil refinery is a manufacturing plant that takes crude oil and converts it into useful petroleum products: gasoline, lubricating and motor oils, petroleum gas, tar, etc. Because of the time-consuming and intense nature of the process, refineries present unique challenges to electronics like…

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4 More Surprising Uses For Industrial RFID Technology

Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID, is the scanning of special tags with radio waves. These tags can be affixed on items from boxes to wrist bands, and can contain information like the item’s name, SKU number, to even a picture. That information is then scanned and stored by using RFID…

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