Industrial Computers Are Revolutionizing Smart Factories

A revolution is underway in the industrial sector. Smart factories – automated facilities aimed at eliminating human error – are replacing their more traditional counterparts and expanding rapidly in the process. A recent article in Forbes estimates that they will add $500 billion or more to the…

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4 Ways to Improve Inventory Management with an Industrial Tablet

Inventory management – checking the amount of product on hand, its location and its status in the shipping process – ranks as one of the most important aspects of any business. It allows you to minimize expensive bookkeeping errors and maintain a firm hand on potential assets. Checking inventory…

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Understanding Tablet Battery Life: Not All Solutions are Created Equally

Mobility in the workplace is crucial to boosting productivity. Ask any construction worker or physician using a tablet how their operations have improved and they'll easily give a laundry list of benefits—time is money in the workplace, and saving one saves the other. However, changing to a mobile…

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Common Problems in the Warehouse Solvable by Industrial Tablets

Your warehouse isn't just a place to store inventory—it's a central hub for your product, and if it isn't managed properly that could sacrifice time, money, customer retention, and ultimately your business. Here are a lot of common problems you might face in your warehouse that can be resolved by…

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How ERP Software is Changing Industrial PC Demands

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a product that operates on several different business operational levels to streamline and unify processes such as project management, accounting, manufacturing, customer resource management, and others. As technology and software development grows,…

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Industrial Tablets vs Off-the-Shelf in the Field

Since 2010, Apple has seen tremendous success after the corporation released it's first iPad tablet, launching a new market and being the trendsetter in a new line of mobile technology products. As recent as 2016, Apple's global market share has reached 25 percent for tablets, leading Samsung by…

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How Companies are Automating the Warehouse with Industrial Tablets

Now that eCommerce has blossomed into the giant industry it is today, online retailers find automation is a more pressing need. Supply Chain Brief reports that Amazon hired over 120,000 workers one holiday season just to fulfill the influx of online orders—not a light expense! Automating the…

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More With Less: Cut Back On Cost Using Technology

Organizations see the wisdom in deploying technology that allows them to do more with less. Forging an IT strategy that helps you cut back on cost using technology does not have to be a time-consuming endeavor. In many cases, awareness about the available and emerging technologies helps businesses…

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Why Industrial Computers Are Perfect for Challenging Environments

Industrial computers are best equipped to work under the challenging working environments because they are built from the ground up to withstand the conditions that are not electronics-friendly. We can define such challenging working environments as anything that surpasses the norms of your typical…

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Types of Industrial PCs Used in Industrial Automation

The industrial sector is increasingly experiencing the impact of the Industry 4.0 concept. Whether you are looking to optimize the workflow, increase production or savings in maintenance, or explore new automation opportunities, there are many ways industrial automation and the underlying…

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